Opening remote http ROOT files with REST is now possible

I just discovered that is really easy to open remote http files in ROOT by using TFile::Open instead of new TFile.

I think this is really awesome feature, since one is able to work with the file as if it would be locally, accessing to the events, metadata and visualising in the local system.

Here are the changes

I have also updated restRoot so that we can do restRoot

The only issue is that I had to skip fileExists crosscheck (for the HTTP version) for the moment.

While applying these changes I also realised about the method TRestRun::ReadFileInfo. It seems to me this is a specific method to extract information for graw files? It is not this method similar to TRestDetectorSetup::InitFromFileName?

It’s not only for graw file. It contains a file name pattern matching algorithm for any kinds of files. Actually I think we shall migrate TRestDetectorSetup::InitFromFileName() into a file pattern string in the rml.