New GitLab materials project to centralise material files definition

There is a new materials project to centralise the material definitions.

The contents of that repository will be kept synchronised to the website Index of /materials

The new REST release 2.2.18 allows to define remote http files at the entities of GDML Geometry description files.

<!ENTITY materials SYSTEM "">

New and existing geometry files are encouraged to include its header version and be linked to a given Gitlab repository for appropriate tracking inside REST.

The main GDML geometry setup file will contain a header line as follows

<!-- ##VERSION My geometry version 1.0 -->

Materials file, materials.xml will contain a header line as follows

<!-- ##VERSION REST Materials version 1.0 -->

The main aim of the materials project is to

  1. unify materials for different restG4 projects,
  2. avoid spread of different uncontrolled versions of materials files,
  3. keep a versioning system of materials linked to a Gitlab repository,
  4. support the validation of more official materials files, shared and maintained by the REST community.